Our apps are ready for macOS Sierra (10.12)
07/10/16 15:36

Just a quick note to let everyone know that all Tunabelly Mac apps are ready to go if you've already or are about to upgrade to 10.12. Here are some handy tips to ensure you're up-to-date depending on how you purchased the apps:
Mac App Store
To update, simply open the Mac App Store, choose the Updates tab and then make sure to click "Update All".
Updating apps purchased from the Tunabelly website is also quite simple. For each app, either click the application menu and choose "Check for Updates" or if it's a menubar only app, click the menubar icon and choose More -> Check for Updates. If there are any issues updating, please see the FAQ entry for more information.
Note: If a clean install of macOS Sierra will be performed, make sure to deregister any apps before erasing the drive. Once macOS is reinstalled and the apps have been downloaded again, you can register them again. Check out the FAQ entry for more details on this.
We hope you enjoy macOS Sierra!
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