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Bill Boss

Keep track of upcoming bills + notifications + cloud sync

No credit card or account needed

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Requires macOS 10.11 or higher

Bill Boss is a powerful yet simple app for keeping track of upcoming (and overdue) bills, payment history and notes. Imagine being able to easily see all the bills that need to be paid this month along with a total amount - an amazing tool for budgeting. It also supports variable amount bills, such as utilities (ex: water, gas, power, etc) which change each time.

Get notifications on your Mac when a bill payment is upcoming, or if there are past bills that are overdue so you never miss a bill payment again. Give it a try right now with a quick download of the 30 day free trial with all features available.

It even syncs with iCloud or Dropbox so no matter which Mac you're on, your bills & payments are there. Add a bill at home, go to work and see it there. We're working on an iOS companion app for an even better experience.

Download the 30 day trial now and never miss a bill payment again.
My Graphic
Quickly see all your bills, with the due dates, amounts and the option to mark them paid. Includes macOS 10.14 Dark Mode support!
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My Graphic
Notifications for overdue and upcoming bills. Never miss another bill payment!
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My Graphic
View your payment history or double-check when you paid a bill. Add a handy note (ex: online payment or reference number) or export them as a CSV file.
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My Graphic
A handy menubar icon gives a quick list of the bills divided by Overdue, Upcoming and Future. It also provides a way to show the main window, preferences and more.
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My Graphic
Bills, payments and notes are all synced with iCloud or Dropbox so they are always available on all your Macs.
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My Graphic
Add an unlimited number of bills while choosing the name, amount, date due, frequency, currency and notes.

Frequency can be anything from once to annually and everything in-between.
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Click here to see what's changed in Bill Boss 1.2.2 (December 13, 2019) and previous versions

Version 1.2.2 Changes:
  • [New] Added full macOS Catalina support including being Notarized by Apple and using the Hardened Runtime.
  • [Fixed] Issue where pending bill amounts would show as overdue or due soon notifications.
  • [Fixed] Issue where the monthly total would be incorrect if there were pending bill amounts.
Version 1.2.1 Changes:
  • [Fixed] Issue where the menubar icon needed to be clicked twice to open.
  • [Fixed] Issue where the title for grouped Next Amount Pending notifications was incorrect.
  • [Fixed] Issue with the formatting of total amounts owing if multiple currencies were used. It now uses a current locale friendly way to display the amounts.
  • [Fixed] Issue where new semi-monthly bills were not set to the 1st or 15th automatically for the next due date.
  • [Fixed] Potential crash if the currency symbol was not available for a payment.
  • [New] Payments can now be filtered by All, Today, Last Week, Last Month and Last Year.
  • [New] If the cloud sync fails because the app version doesn't match what's in the cloud, a nice dialog is now shown explaining that all installs of Bill Boss need to be the same version and a button to quickly check for updates.
  • [New] Using a slightly smaller font size for the totals in the upcoming bills window.
Version 1.2 Changes:
  • [New] Support for macOS 10.14 Mojave including the system Dark Mode.
  • [New] Added Internet Access Policy for Little Snitch that describes every Internet connection Bill Boss will possibly make.
  • [New] Added support for bills with variable amounts (ex: most utilities). When the bill is moved to the next due date, it will allow the next amount to be set when it's known.
  • [New] Added dedicated delete and edit buttons for both bills and payments.
  • [New] Added ability to use negative amounts for bills and option to not show notifications for them.
  • [New] Added option to not move a bill to the next due date when adding a payment.
  • [New] Notifications are now grouped together if there's more than 2 for a type (overdue, due soon and next amount pending).
  • [New] Added search field to Payments so they can be filtered by name.
  • [New] Payments can now be edited.
  • [New] Changed action in due soon / overdue notifications from View -> Paid for convenience. Clicking on the notification will still open the window and highlight the bill.
  • [Fixed] Issue where bills could be duplicated when switching the cloud sync provider.
  • [Fixed] Issue where the bill & payments sheets were resizable.
  • [Fixed] Issue where the exported payments CSV file would be corrupted if there was a comma in a bill name.
  • [Fixed] Issue where the status menu wouldn't update immediately after adding or changing a bill.
Version 1.1.4 Changes:
  • [New] Support for macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).
  • [New] Confirmation dialog is now shown when choosing to remove old payments.
  • [New] Using standard macOS segmented control for switching betweeen bills and payments.
  • [New] Updated Paddle framework to resolve multiple issues within it.
  • [Fixed] Crash editing or paying a bill if iCloud syncing was turned on but not available.
  • [Fixed] Issue where it was possible to have more than two decimal places for the bill totals.
  • [Fixed] Issue where "syncing" label would show when cloud syncing was turned off.
Version 1.1.3 Changes:
  • [New] Improved reliability of the next due date for all reoccurring bills.
  • [Fixed] Future bills not displaying properly in the menu when using system dark mode.
  • [Fixed] Potential crash when paying a bill if the due date and frequency were a specific combination.
Version 1.1.2 Changes:
  • [New] Added support for multiple currencies, including in the all and monthly totals.
  • [New] Added support for printing the list of bills from the app.
  • [New] Added currency used when editing payments and paying bills.
  • [New] Updated the main window so there's more space for the totals.
  • [Fixed] Issue where bills were due on the last day of the month may not have been included in the monthly total.
  • [Fixed] Issue where the main window would always show on app launch (annoying after a system restart).
  • [Fixed] Issue where the prompt to log into Dropbox wouldn't always work on app launch.
  • [Fixed] Issue where periodic syncing would never complete if the previous attempt failed.
Version 1.1 Changes:
  • [New] Added ability to edit payments by double clicking on them.
  • [New] Added ability to delete multiple bills at once (instead of one by one).
  • [New] Added experimental Dropbox support for cloud syncing.
  • [New] Added option to turn off cloud syncing completely so everything stays local.
  • [New] Added note column for bills to easily see which ones have them.
  • [New] Note column icon is now only shown for bills & payments that actually have one.
  • [Fixed] Issue with delay in updating changes to the bill list if the cloud sync was slow.
  • [Fixed] Issue with potential crash if the company name was empty.
  • [Fixed] Issue where bills & payments might not have shown up right away after syncing on a new Mac.
Version 1.0 Changes:
  • [New] Initial release!